Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Project 52 --- Week 12. New logos for Rosborough Photography and Fight Club shoot!

I had the chance to shoot with the PDX Strobist Group here in Portland, OR. I go to as many events as possible and this was a fun one for sure. The idea is to learn and share "off camera flash" techniques and to collaborate with other photographers/models. This shoots theme was Fight Club! Here are some of my favorites.

This week I want to show off my new logo's. Every since I started the business I've been feeling my branding needed some improvement. Well this week I took a leap in the right direction with some new logos for Rosborough Photography. I wanted them simple, elegant, clean, and unique. I am pleased to show them now.


Jesse Jerome Smith

Jesse Jerome Smith





Unknown said...

Very nice! Did you do your new logo yourself?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for a fantastic article which helped me to on the way, I am grateful for the hard work in exploring and also penning this blogging site


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