Monday, March 22, 2010

Project 52 --- Week 11. Computer died but I'm back up and running

Had my motherboard go out on my main computer and I was lost this week. I didn't shoot much because of it but did some family stuff as we took some new adventures. Jolene got her first tub with big brother and we went down to the Portland Saturday Market and enjoyed the cherry blossoms on the waterfront. Nothing exciting or new this week but there should be some fun stuff for next week.

Little Miss Jolene in the Studio

Big brother Michael sharing his tubby time with little sister.

This was a fun one on the water front. The quote on the rock is.

With new hope
We build new lives
Why complain when it rains?
This is what it means to be free

Have a great week everyone! Please visit us at our or our senior page

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