Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Project 52 --- Week 6 Michael's first day of preschool

Michael had a great first week at preschool. He graced me with one or two shots with his Lightning McQueen school bag before heading to his first day. The teachers and kids welcomed our little boy with open arms.

First day of preschool

Then we had some fun outside hitting some baseballs. Michael spent most of last summer out with his bat and ball. He's so excited to get out and play.

the pitch.

and it's a line drive down the third base line.

another fun one.

Little miss Jolene is getting so big so fast. Shes got enough strength to rock the Bumbo! Kids in Bumbos never get old.


Finally here is a trip to the park. Micheal was just cracking up at these goats.
goats are funny.

Please visit us at our RosboroughPhotography.com or our senior page PDXSeniorPortraits.com.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great shots! Michael looks like a very happy little boy. I agree about kids in bumbos - never gets old! There's something so adorable about a tiny person sitting up in one. Your little lady is just precious!


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