Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year. New Project 52.

Happy New Year to all my clients, friends, and family. 2009 was an amazing year for our family and the business. We met our goals and have set some new ones for 2010. It's going to be another growth year and another busy one at home. 2009 brought my new baby girl Jolene Avery Rosborough. My wonderful son Michael turned two and is the best big brother. They are such joys and I am committed to being the best daddy. That's my number one goal every year.

For 2010 I'm going to do a weekly post of just some random pictures taken that week. These will consist of anything and everything. Last year got so busy that I didn't take hardly any me time with my photography and that has to change. It's a passion not just a job and I am committing myself to my passion again. So some weeks will include favorite client, personal, landscape, and just about any type of photography that sparks my interest.

So here is week 1 of 52

First is of my beautiful wife. She's the sunshine of my life and wanted to capture her as if she was engulfed in the suns glory. It came out great, but how could it not? She's stunning!!

Young love.... These are some good neighbors and a wonderful new bride and groom

Please visit us at our or our senior page

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lovely work! Your wife IS stunning, and you captured her beautifully! I'm looking forward to following your 52-week journey!


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